Reality Check

by Riverotter Preppers on Friday, April 6, 2012 at 3:20am ·
         So you are thingking about prepping,well that is a good idea for many reasons it is my hope to portray to the best of my ability what it is to be prepared really .I will atempt cover the basics .
         First I need to cover the cold hard truth, you may have to accept new ideas and be brutaly honest with your self
prepping is not for the faint at heart and it can not be done in mind only it will require work .You will have to leave your comfort zones and do things that you may find distastfull . Having said that we will begin.
         first things first you will need at least a one year supply of food for each member of your household and that is a lot of food I will explain further later .Then you will need at least three sources of drinking water ,hand tools gardening tools,extra plumbing supplies ,lumber and too many things to elaborate on now.
          A year supply of food for one adult or anyone over 12 years old 

1000 lbs of grain :rice,flour,oat meal,cerial,noodles,corn meal,cake mixes,and everything nessesary to use them like baking pouder yeast baking soda cooking oils etc.

500 lbs of beans (buy many varieties )  

canned goods are good but you are better off with things to enhans the rice and beans like broths and cream of ?
tomato sause in jars not cans it will keep longer alfrado sause etc.. things to make simple meals taste better.
now you add about 200 lbs of dry fruits and nuts and about 5 gallons of honey

200 lbs of sugar, more kool aid than you can amagine, ice tea mix ,12 large cans of coffee, 12 baxes of tea,non dairy cramer about 52 weeks worth,candy ,coco mix,pop corn,100 lbs salt,

350 lbs of canned meats or preseved meat like cured hams and cured baccon jerky etc..

dont forget you will nead soap ,shampoo,mouth wash, tooth paste, TOILET PAPER, imodium, pepto,laxatives nyquil,asprin ,bandages ,tooth brushes at least 12 per person,floss,laundry soap ,dish soap,alcohol,hydrogin peroxide,
12 gallons of bleach (un sented )

      Now this is the short list you can stay alive on this but will do better with more.

      Now I come to my first must face facts portion First you must come to grips with the truth and see if you can handle it . You are going to have to prep for at  least 1/2 of your extended family A good rule of thumb is If you have holidays together they are probobly going to show up and your going to have to take care of them.Or you will have to kill them.
The point I am trying to show you here is you cant prep alone therfore you will have to accept that you will have to talk to others about what is going on .first I would go right ahead and get it out of the way tell your family so what if they laugh then you wont have to feel bad when you have to turn them away. next holiday buy them each a bag of rice a bag of beans a bag of flower and a bag of sugar tell them its a starter kit.
Your best chances for succes is in your neighbor hood get off the couch go out side (actualy go and talk to all your neighbors one by one house to house block by block )and guess what about 1/3 of them will be on board  and probobly can tell you more about prepping than you can tell them.The only difference being they have made a fatal mistake and think they can prepare alone .NO ONE WILL MAKE IT ALONE fact.once you find those people in your area who are serious then you can start working together.Fact number two your food supply must be endless therfore stored food is only going to go so far.And all stored food must be broken down and stored in multiple locations a good distance apart and a good distance from your primary location.
       Endless food: I will start by saying if you live in a gated comunity or a deed restricted comunity you are going to by nessesaty look for a place you can bug out to unless you have some less constaintive property adjacent to your area and the owner is willing to rent loan or alow access  to your group or is a member of yor groop preferably.each house hold will nead a chicken pen,rabit pen,garden,hog pens and cattle can be owned communaly ,swimming pools can be converted into fish farms guinni pigs are also a fast breader that much of the world considers food pigions too can be raised easily .How much you and the members of your group know about these resources will determine if survival is likely .Two Years ago I had zero knowledge of any of these items today with the help of our group I have mastered some and I am perfecting others .for instance in our group we have over 35 seprate chicken pens produceing approxamatly 350 eggs a day we have 120 households in our group therfore we have an egg each per day plus .
four hog pens with about 15 hogs (breaders) will be able to pump out about 280 piglets a year two rabit pens one 100 ftx 60 ft the other 50x50 ft combined once the bucks are  introduced will produce about 3000 rabits in one year we have seven cows six are pregnant and will be giving milk soon about 24 gallons a day and  a swiming pool talapia farm that has sustained 300 adult talapia for a year,  10 experamental gardens that need no fertilizer tilling or irigation eventualy evry homewill have one, and we have found local resources to feed them all with for free we only use feed for convienience not out of nessesety all this can be seen on our you tube channell also we are curently building a barn and a methane procesing plant to power refrigeration cooking and potentialy electric we come up with new ideas all the time because we work together, none of this existed one year ago .I was prepping alone and scared of what was comming and one neighbor who was troubled by the same things went for a walk and ended up at my house at 2 am now we have allmost our entire square mile involved and acctive on projects of one sort or another it only took one man talking to one other.! so get out and meet your neighbors make it happen or die alone with the ones you love the most.

      Just want you to know right off you wont know how to do this stuff eather till you get started it takes a comunity its our only chance.

      Security is another topic that will require many hands and feet one or two people armed or not are not going to protect you if things get as bad as we think they will but 100 men will detur even the boldest of looters.

      well this should give you some cud to chew on I will add more at a later time.

                                                                                                                         River Otter Preppers. 
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